Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's A ... Girl!!!

So we went to Fetal Fotos yesterday to find out what we are having and it is definitely a girl. We are very excited! She will balance it all out now. We will have 4 boys and 4 girls. We are pretty sure her name will be Grace. We are still trying to decide on a middle name for her. We took all the kids with us to see. They think that is pretty cool.


Andrea said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hearing that news makes me happy also for me in that there may be hope that another Wright besides Bryan can have daughters. That is exciting news!

Unknown said...

I have a great middle name for her. How about Eeloofreebush. I know it sounds a little weird, but say it a few times and I think it will grow on you.


Casey said...

That is great! I very hapy for you guys, and I'm glad my boy will have a cousion so close in his age. Crongrats!